Senin, 09 Februari 2009

Strategy Chosen College

1. Enthusiasm
You have to know yours enthusiasm to continue where, that matter can become yours pemicu to try to step into the PT or program the your choice study
2. Prospect
Have this old stuff in Indonesia if a lot of unemployment master. [So that/ to be] you [do] not enter in the category better see the majors prospect or program the study you to enter. Its way can look for the information pass the teman,guru or even open situs [in] internet [of] about college becoming your choice
3. Expense
A lot of unforeseen expense [is] you which must [release] at the (time) of study. [Do] not like at the (time) of still SMU, and surely this time a lot of college which have status [to] BHMN, its meaning all academic activity [is] the responsibility of all by pertinent PTN so that automatically education expense [is] as a whole charged upon [by] a student. For the reason this expense consideration also represent one of important factor. There is no need to to but worry the, expense problem [of] non representing especial reason [in order] not to enter the PT which you wish because later a lot of education bursary which on the market to student, and surely if you have achievement
4. Reputation
Reputation Consideration you can make the base in chosening college. College reputation [of] among academic [is] usually depended from its grad quality, its instruction method, its lectures counsellor [is] etc.

5. Accreditation Status
Accreditation Status, possible still be foreign heard [by] for you, and surely which still open to go through the College. Before now this status [is] often referred [as] equalizedly, [is] confessed [is] and or enlisted. Status accredit this represent the status given by Body Accredit the National representing assessment to independence and or progress to program of pertinent study majors or. So the, status accredit this can be made [by] guidance for you to chosen the majors which with quality. This information [is] usually made available [in] formal website [of] pertinent PT majors
6. Education Facility
Perhaps education facility represent the dominant factor in yours efficacy go through education [in] college. Availibility of laboratory, library, and also other;dissimilar supporter facility make proper to become yours consideration
That'S a few/little tips which can become yours capital to continue the education to master ladder, don't worry and don't wast in yours nonage. Each;Every there [is] strong intention surely there [is] open road;street. Successful hopefully in reaching for your aspiration

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